DONATION – Citizenship By Investment

DONATION – Citizenship By Investment

Citizenship by donation is one of two ways you can achieve St Lucia nationality. The St Lucia donation scheme is an outgrowth of the St Lucia CBI program, which was established in 2016, and continues to present applicants with a variety of different St Lucia citizenship options, including citizenship by donation.

The St Lucia donation program therefore allows eligible applicants to pursue St Lucia immigration in exchange for a monetary investment in the island. Once the citizenship by donation payment is processed, the applicant will receive a St Lucia passport and all the benefits and privileges that accompany their St Lucia nationality. Out of all the St Lucia citizenship options, citizenship by donation is one of the quickest pathways to a St Lucia passport and St Lucia nationality!

Citizenship By Dontion For St Lucia Nationality

The minimum donation for St Lucia citizenship is currently 100,000 USD (not inclusive of fees). Each additional family member (dependent) requires a separate, additional fee, based on his or her age/relationship to the primary applicant. Please be aware that under the terms of the St Lucia CBI program, once processed, all St Lucia donation fees are non-refundable.

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